Over the years, we have witnessed one extremely positive thing. Our jurisdiction is being increasingly used by the international investor community as an investment platform for Africa.

As investment opportunities continue to unfold, we are seeing an increasing trend for intra-African investments.

For the past 8 years, about 90% of the new corporate structures Imara Trust has been setting up and administering, carry out business or hold investments in various African countries. We are very confident that Africa will keep on attracting international investments in the many years to come and that Mauritius will continue its journey to permanently establish itself as the IFC of choice for the region.

Tax advantages are no doubt important to investors but non-tax benefits also prove very attractive to structure and manage businesses and investments from Mauritius. The jurisdiction offers a host of other advantages which make it an efficient base to operate from as described earlier.

It is important to highlight that that among the Top 10 recipients of investment in Africa, Mauritius has DTA with only 4 of the countries listed below. This confirms and testifies that the trust which the global investment community has in the Mauritius IFC, is based on its compelling value proposition, and not only because of the existence of DTAs.

1. South Africa
2. Nigeria
3. Democratic Republic of Congo
4. Mozambique
5. Kenya

6. Zambia
7. Gabon
8. Ivory Coast
9. Tanzania
10. Uganda